“Rivals can easily copy your improvements in quality and efficiency.
But they shouldn’t be able to copy your strategic positioning –
what distiguishes your company from all the rest.”

Michael A. Porter, 1996.

Senin, Februari 16, 2009

ASP.Net : koneksi ke database SQL

-- file ini diletakkan pada webservice

public bool MyConnection()
//connection to server
// ditambah fungsi decrypt pada connecting string
string strCon = "xG2InqSpM9K9imPkVdrZ7mzmnW/uLX7nC6ooId0kssXilyYK1At2qnWqzo5w747LpmF4e/lb7mAynqGZC/BCJZaxapd7B7rIoJkH9KUx9Y6PctmceL95+f2xrQ/GQiIW5GnmXkVn/MvWVex3GslaB4usmiMuAdjBjlfbzSCx0AE=";
objcon = new SqlConnection(Decrypt(strCon).ToString());

return true;
return false;

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